I’ve been trying so hard to not like this but it’s gotten to the point where I’m now singing “You ain’t fuckin with a rascal” at inopportune times during the day (word to the wise – don’t quote lyrics with obscenities while walking down the hall at work – most of the people I work with are at least 20 years older than me and are shocked by words like “Goddamn” so I believe they may have had a brain aneurysm over this one). “Fire Blaze” = Earworm.
On the other side of this is DJ Rashad’s “Rollin” which I’m still not sure about. There’s something great in there, it’s just not clicking with me yet (and sounds like when you’ve had too many whiskeys and the room’s starting to do that spinny thing and there’s like five conversations going on at the same time). You decide:
And now I’m going back to my three-parter Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment of the Lord of The Rings. Tonight – “The Two Towers.” Apparently my forte is giggle-inducing dialogue during death scenes. Excuse me while I go and add that to my resume.